Sunday, October 3, 2010

An old painting from my RISD days

I unearthed this scan of a painting I did my junior year at RISD. Its a lot of layers of gesso, wax, pen, and paint. This is how I worked for the longest time! Often I didn't really have anything in mind when I began. I trained traditionally as an illustrator, beginning in high school learning to draw with Isabelle Torroella a form fashion designer with Christian Dior. In college I took loads of figure drawing classes, painting and printmaking and later years of sculpture with Susan Luery, a contemporary sculptor and instructor at the South Shore Art Center in Cohasset, MA. It wasn't until well after I graduated that I began using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and it wasn't until I started designing product for Dennis East that I truly learned how to use the software. Really it is my traditional training as an illustrator and fine artist that informs all of my work and I am most appreciative of this. I'll probably create some patterns now using this color palette. it's nice to sometimes look back at things and become inspired all over again, instead of feeling embarrassed about old work which is often the case.

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